Library and Archive Service
The RCN Library and Archive Service is home to Europe’s largest nursing specific collection of books, journals, e-resources and archives. Our vision is that the RCN Library and Archive Services enable members to develop professionally and inspire everyone to explore nursing and its history through its collections and events.
The RCN Library and Museum follows a digital first strategy and provides resources in online formats wherever possible.
All our members, and staff, have access to trusted, quality library resources online. This includes ejournals, ebooks, and other resources to support your professional development and academic study which extends our access beyond geographical or physical boundaries.
Nursing knowledge as a catalyst for change
Our vision is supported in four key themes:
- inspire all to explore nursing and nursing history
- enable learning and education that nursing and the public can be assured of
- develop and preserve our collections so they remain the largest and most authoritative nursing collection in Europe
- explore and adopt ways to provide value for money.
Our physical libraries, in Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and London offer a variety of study spaces with PC's to support a wide range of learning styles and needs, including group spaces for more relaxed social learning to silent study.Why apply?
A role within the Library and Archives service can be an incredible and valuable addition to your career. You’ll use your enthusiasm, your positivity and your customer service skills to deliver an exceptional service to our members. We want you to bring your diversity, experience and ideas with you, to enhance our services and ways of working, to help us continue to make a difference for our members throughout the UK.